Birthing with Love & Courage
Disha and Prashant’s memorable waterbirth experience!

Disha’s birth proved a simple fact. Even in her vulnerability, the labouring woman is the most powerful being in the birthing room. Second time parents, Disha and Prashant had decided to come back to birth with us. Disha’s pregnancy journey had a lot of unknowns as she was admitted twice, once at 34 weeks for a threatened preterm labour and again at 36 weeks for decreased fetal movements. Disha was under midwifery care and was very keen to have a waterbirth, something that she had missed the first time.

At 38 weeks she came to the hospital with decreased fetal movements. With midwifery and obstetric collaboration, it was decided that Disha would be better off with admission and a stretch and sweep in view of persistent decreased fetal movements. Disha and Prashant agreed to the plan but during the procedure, Disha was already found to be 3cms open. She soon started with her waves and was supported by Prashant, her doula and her midwife who worked relentlessly to support Disha ensuring she was well hydrated and relaxed. With each wave Disha would instinctively sway and breathe her way through the wave. In between the waves, Disha would laugh and talk with her birth team.

Soon her waves picked up and Disha started feeling a lot of pressure. She began breathing heavily and was vocalizing with each wave. Her midwife and doula knew that birth was imminent. Disha got into the pool with Prashant right there holding her hand and letting her know he trusted in her ability to birth. Within a few minutes after entering the pool, Disha released her waters and began to bear down. Disha and Prashant soon welcomed their baby into this world. They were both thrilled beyond words as they held their little boy who lay nestled in his Mamma’s arms. Twenty minutes later, Prashant cut the umbilical cord. He was holding his son and continued giving skin-to-skin while her midwife and doula helped Disha come out of the pool. The midwife put a few stitches before leaving the proud parents to spend quiet time together.
Congratulations Disha and Prashant for achieving the birth you wanted.

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